Thursday, February 2, 2017

Process & Production - Week 1

This module we have been given the brief of  creating a 25 second animation. The animations should be centred around making people laugh, in other words it has to be funny. I will to create a story and animatic, and a character to fit into the animation. The animation its self needs to have sound and a title. For this first week we had to look into more of the research aspects of the project, so I can come to a rounded conclusion as too what my target audience will be, what kind of comedy I should use, and the topic I will centre the animation on.

Choices :-
First contact, A cunning Plan, A birthday to remember, Blind Date, The Restaurant, Neighbours.

I like the sound of Neighbours, First contact, A cunning plan and the Restaurant. I nationally thought of doing an idea using Neighbours, planning on something to do with mail, and resaving the wrong letter in the post. But decided to scrap that idea.

Here are some images from my sketch book of some initial ideas I had after hearing the ideas. I wanted to have at least considered every title for my animation, so I had a go and thinking up some ideas for each. I found that I've struggled with coming up with ideas that I am fully happy with, but I still have time to think about ideas.

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