Thursday, February 23, 2017

Process and Production - Week 7

Backgrounds and The beginning of the animation.

As I mentioned in  my last post, I wanted to take my drawn background and put it into Photoshop so that I could colour, which is exactly what I did. Unfortunately for me, there was a little hiccup and my file corrupted and deleted. Luckily for me I'd done the line work in another file so that I could just re do the colouring in. Granted it was a little frustrating, as the colouring took longer than anticipated but I did manage to re do it much quicker the second time around.  

I've also begun the animation this week, so far I have a second done, which I have coloured and I'm happy with how it looks. I've also begun another background for the opening shot of the actual restaurant.

 Here is the sketch the restaurant, I'm not sure if I'm 100% happy with it yet, but I will colour it and most likely use it for my animation.

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