Monday, January 30, 2017


I feel personally that I didn't do very well in some aspects of this brief. The beginning of the journey seamed to be the beginning of the problem. I started poorly, I managed my time badly and inevitably fell behind. However I did manage to get back on track, but still feel I could have done an awful lot better in this project and am disappointed in myself. Some aspects I do feel went relatively well, but on a whole I feel I've done poorly in this module.
 Even so, I did learn a lot from the brief, especially regarding character design. I hadn't had much experience in character design before, and am happy to say I really enjoyed creating them. I loved using the shapes as a biases for the character as I really enjoyed fitting the shapes together, to see which looked best. Illustrating the character to go with the shapes was also very fun, as Its gave me complete control over how I felt the shapes expressed the personality of the character. I found creating the turn around to also be very enjoyable, I really like the way my character turned out. Creating the backstory for the character was one of the things I liked the most, giving him a past and a present was an interesting experience, and look forward to doing it again.  
The more I studied the way people walk the more I wanted to learn about it. Doing the Flow, form and force brief I found that it became easier  to draw the structure of a person moving. I loved creating the minimalist sort of designs. Limited time frames where a fun challenge, when we could draw the person moving in such a small amount of time it gave a very different feeling to the drawing which was very interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the project and want to do more like it in the future.
I feel I could have done the whole of the set, series, sequence project better, and could have taken more initiative in my work. I had a lot of downfalls during that brief, but I did over come some of them, as I worked hard on my storyboards to try and get the best out of what I had created. 
For future modules I plan to work harder so that I am fully happy with the work I create. And will plan to keep on top of my work as much as possible. I also would like to keep a steady rhythm to my blog posts and make sure I upload regularly.  As for this module I feel I failed at keeping on top of  the posts I should have been making, but plan to better myself in the future.
In reflection, I did manage to get all of my work finished, but not up to the standards I know I could reach. There for this next upcoming project I will make lists too make sure I can tick all of the boxes and keep up with the work I'm meant to be doing.

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