Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Process & Production - Week 4

Week 4.

This week  I continued to develop my ideas, creating some more storyboards. I made a basic idea, where a chef gets hit on the head with a frying pan and forgets how to cook. A waiter enters hands him a list of dishes he needs to take and then leaves, instead of the chef cooking real food, he sets a piece of broccoli aflame with a lighter. Granted not the funniest or the best of ideas, but It has potential to be something, as this is only the beginning of an idea.

After thinking over the idea, I decided to change the idea somewhat. As personally I don't think it has a very conclusive ending, and needs to be refined. It lacks a punch line, which I need to come up with soon, and hope that It will be better suited for the brief. I'll show the development in my next weekly post.

I've also created a character for the animation, I wanted a rounded character, as I wanted him to have a jolly demeanour. I wanted him to have the typical chef attire, but also wanted him to have some of his own traits, so I've given him curly hair, and a slight lean to one side.

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