Thursday, February 2, 2017

Process & Production - Week 2

We talked a lot more about Target audience and types of comedy this week. I have to think about who I will target my animations comedy towards, whether that be young people, children or older.
Children's comedy has to be a lot happier and a lot jollier than anything targeted to ages upwards. Another thing to take into consideration is whether the animation should be educational, as a lot of the time comedic entertainment for children has some form of message hidden in it, or some form of educational purpose. If it is targeted towards a child, there should be no form of crude language, and  extremely dark aspects to the story, and no graphic content. 

The target audience directed more towards adults on the other hand is the polar opposite, foul language, bloody, graphic scenes, innuendos, darker story telling as a whole really is targeted much more for the older generation. Animations like futurama, South Park and Rick and Morty explain my point very well. All though, there are somethings both audiences find funny, bodily functions, falling over classic forms of comedy really appeal to most people.

Teens on the other hand, tend to like most forms of comedy, being one my self, all though not for much longer, I do have some experience with understanding what teenager find funny. Being such an online community, my generation seams to find almost everything to have some element of comedy hidden into it.

I feel like I'm more inclined to do an animation for children, as I like to keep my animations up beat, but I may do something for adults, as I'd like to challenge my self a little, and step out of my comfort zone.

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