Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Class Crit.

We recently had a classroom critique, where we stood in front of a group of our peers. I found that this was really helpful activity, hearing what other think of my work really helps put where I am in this brief into perspective. I should them my animatic, and some of my developmental work.
It was good to hear feed back, as they had some very good points regarding my animatic, as the timing was all off. Which is extremely true, has the pan takes like 5 seconds too fall which isn't true to real life in the slightest. There was also mention of the placement of the kitchen, as I'd put it onto the top floor, which isn't a normal place for kitchen to be, and my piers gave some good advice on how I should change this.
I did thought find making the presentation a little nerve raking but it was beneficial.

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