Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Animation History - Capturing Motion

History and Animation.

Animation may be on of the oldest forms of art, excluding that of drawing its self. It dates back as far as the Palaeolithic era, when man kind was at its most primitive state. I can say this due to a pot, a pot with a painted designs where a goat jumps, each images around the pot has a slight change giving the look of movement.

Here is the animation actually in a video format, as you can see it does actually work. This pot date almost 5,200 years ago, which is an astonishing amount of time.

Tombs filled with images of fighting sequences show another study of movement, this shows the fascination man has with the ability of capturing people or objects or anything for that matter in the state of motion.
This sequence dates around 4000 years ago, found in the tomb of Khnumhotep.

Even Leonardo had a go at capturing movement, using different angles to show anatomy. This around 1500 AD. As you can see he changes the position of this person gradually, showing how the anatomy of the arm and the shoulder works, but he also gave us some very detailed versions of early documented form

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