Thursday, February 2, 2017

Process & Production - Week 3

This week was an independent study week, so I took to thinking about some ideas, and characters I could use for this animation. I wanted to try a range of different kinds of body's, to see if they could inspire anything. I wanted to have different shapes, sizes and positions, as having a range never hurts.

From the initial shapes I developed some characters, each having its own style and personality. I will think about whether I'd like to use any of them in a storyboard/idea. As now it will be easier as I have something to work with.

I've also done an idea for a story board, but am not really very happy with the idea. The topic I chose was the party idea, and it would use adults throwing tantrums instead of the children, so there would be some form of twist to the idea. I've decided not to go any further with this idea, as I'm not very passionate about it, and frankly  think the idea is a little cliché.  But this is just one idea, out of several that I thought of during the first week. I will think about other ideas, and keep up with my work, thinking of different forms of comedy. 

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