Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Process & Production - Week 5

Week 5 -

I began this week with the refining of my story board, as I mentioned in my last blog post, I wanted to change the idea. Which I have done. I haven't made them overly detailed, but wanted them to be a little more refined compared with my last attempt at a storyboard, as this one I might use to create the animatic.

Instead of the ending where the chef forgets how to cook, and sets a piece of broccoli on fire, I have changed it, so that the chef is still  hit on the head with the pan but instead is presumed to be drunk by the waiter, who then stomps away angrily. Which gives the animation more of a conclusion.  I will make some character sheets, more detailed compared with my last attempt at developing a character, and hopefully add colour to the designs.
I feel this idea is targeted at an older generation, following more of a slapstick comedy. I wanted this to have a similarity to the show Fawlty Towers. As the sense of humour I've used in this idea has similarity's to the type of comedy that Fawlty Towers uses, and It also is aimed at an older generation.   

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