Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 3 1/2 - Types Of Comedy.

I've been doing research into types of comedy, and have found that are so many. Usually I tend to find puns to be my favourite form of comedy but there are so many kinds. I've decided I'll make a list of some kinds of comedy, and then elaborate on them further.

Slap Stick

This is a type of comedy is more on the physical type. Some of the most Iconic comedy duo's that used this form of comedy where laurel and Hardy. This is a from of clumsiness done in a way to make it come across as funny. Commonly used by clowns and other things like that.

Farce -  Ridiculous circumstances, over the top reactions, unlikely scenarios with mad results. Faulty Towers is a good example for this form of comedy.    

Stand Up - This is one of the most well known form of comedy. A form of a person standing on a stage telling jokes and funny stories live, in front of an audience. 

Self Deprecating - Make fun of your self in a humours manner. 

Blue - This humour is on more of the risque side, off colour, hence 'blue'.

Dry - This is more of the british humour, focusing on the more depressing or more matter of fact. 

Puns - Puns are my favourite form of comedy. Its the use of a play on words. Either by taking two words that sound alike and putting them together or replacing a word with another.

Dark humour - Focusing more on the morbid side of comedy, this focuses on grim topics, and the depressing  side of things.

Surreal comedy - This kind of humour use nonsensical stories to get laughs. Usually it goes along side slap stick, but usually focuses more on the bazar.

Deadpan - Being funny, only with out change of emotion or any change in facial expression.

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