Tuesday, May 16, 2017

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 8.

Week eight

During this week I finished the third animation, this one revolved around the desert. At first I couldn't decided whether I liked the idea of using cacti as the object that moves out the way of the frame to reveal the logo amongst the desert. I tried using a camel but quickly scrapped that idea as I discovered the camel didn't cover the logo efficiently enough. I decided to do return to the cacti inevitably due to the fact that the cacti actually covered the logo, unlike the camel. I kept with the idea of using the black as a silhouette almost.


I kept  with the styles of the other animations, as they needed to be constant.  I also added an animal as all of the other animations have an animal in them, so to keep it consistent of that I added a snake into this animation. At first I couldn't think of an animal that would fit this environment apart from a camel, and I had already ruled this out. After discussing with a few of my peers about animals found in a desert we came up with a snake, hens the snake in the animation.

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