Sunday, May 7, 2017

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 3.

Week three.

Unfortunately due to family circumstances I wasn't able to get much done during this week, but I was able to create an animatic's to further develop the process of creating the animations, here is said animatic:

I'm happy with how this animatic looks and plan to create another two similar to it to continue on with the development of our module. I also looked into some of National Geographic's websites and other people's identities to have reference to similar ideas and to have a natural look as to how usually their animations look. There is the references that I thought were applicable to the work that we were doing at the moment and that I thought were the inspiration for our project:

I plan next week to put double the effort into the work due to circumstances being how they were I was not able to complete what I should've been able to do this week but plan to carry on and strive to do more work next week.

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