Monday, May 15, 2017

Maya 2

More development with Maya, only this time animating. Another study task we were given was to create a pendulum swing and a bouncing ball in Maya. This was actually a lot simpler than I was expecting. Very similar to how Photoshop work's timeline is given to you and with each movement you solidify the scene so they run smoothly just as you would in the photo shop timeline or even in an Animate cc.

It began with the first pendulum swing as I thought that probably the simplest thing so I could get the fundamental basics of how the animating aspect of Maya would work. Surprisingly I'm rather happy with this as it is just a pendulum swing and is a very basic thing but I am still happy with the outcome.

Pendulum swing one :

I then moved onto the bouncy balls one was meant to be a stiff non-movement ball bounce, a straight up and down movement was required. The second on the hand was a squishing stretch ball bounce, meaning we needed the ball to spin itself out in squishing the bottom and then bounce back up with the thinner sort of aspect then reform into a circle list of the top , this being one of the 12 principles of animation.

Here is the ball bounce :

And lastly was the more elaborate pendulum swing, I found this one was a little more difficult as I couldn't get the program to work almost at times but eventually I did it get to the point that I needed to be, and am happy to say that it worked rather well I think I feel it does look like movement and I am happy with the outcome.

The final pendulum swing :

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