Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Animation

All of the animations:

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 9.

Week 9

The final week. This week I did a few touch ups and worked on my blog. But due to having finished the animations them self's I was able to organize my files ready for the hand in on the Thursday.
I found this project to be an interesting one, as it pushed me to do work in styles that normally I wouldn't do. I also found that I did enjoy adapting my style, even if it was rather difficult to begin with.

Evaluation :

This project I found to be rather interesting, I wanted to do something that would push me out of my comfort zone, which it did. Usually I favour drawing characters or creating characters that move, therefor creating minimalist backgrounds with natural environments was somewhat of a challenge for me. I decided that doing this would be rather refreshing for me, as it would be something new and something that wasn’t my usual forte.
I did enjoy working in a team, at first we did lack in communication but quickly turned that around and began working together much more so that we could have consistent animations. At first I was a little apprehensive when it came to working in a team, as I am very fussy when it comes to my artwork, as are most artists, which is why I was contemplating working alone. But I felt that working in a team would be good for me and it would be a good glimpse into how industries work with one another. It was something that was difficult to get my head around at first but with time it was easier and am happy with the outcome.
I’m very pleased with the time management of this project, in past projects I found that I wasn’t very good at keeping up on my work load, but during this project I found that I was able to keep on track of my work. This I felt was really an achievement as for I’ve not been able to do this in past assignments.
I do feel though that my enthusiasm for this work was lacking, which didn’t help with my creative process, I want to focus on improving my want to create work, during the next coming week I plan to set myself a challenge to improve me drawings, and capability to hit what I wanted to achieve. I do feel that I didn’t create these animations to the standard I am capable of making, and am disappointed with myself. For future projects I intend to work harder as I want to create the animations to a higher slandered.
During this project I had some family matters to attended to, which meant that I couldn’t do a lot of my work during the first few weeks of the project. I did manage to jump back into the work later so that I could keep up on the amount of work I should have done, but this did set me back a few weeks at the beginning of the project.

Files are something I’m not good at. I find that I am able to organise the files well, it is just being able to correctly render videos and saving in the correct file types. In the future I strive to learn how to do this correctly as filing and saving has been a problem for me, and I do not wish for this to happen to me again, as it is something that is difficult to resolve.

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 8.

Week eight

During this week I finished the third animation, this one revolved around the desert. At first I couldn't decided whether I liked the idea of using cacti as the object that moves out the way of the frame to reveal the logo amongst the desert. I tried using a camel but quickly scrapped that idea as I discovered the camel didn't cover the logo efficiently enough. I decided to do return to the cacti inevitably due to the fact that the cacti actually covered the logo, unlike the camel. I kept with the idea of using the black as a silhouette almost.


I kept  with the styles of the other animations, as they needed to be constant.  I also added an animal as all of the other animations have an animal in them, so to keep it consistent of that I added a snake into this animation. At first I couldn't think of an animal that would fit this environment apart from a camel, and I had already ruled this out. After discussing with a few of my peers about animals found in a desert we came up with a snake, hens the snake in the animation.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Maya 2

More development with Maya, only this time animating. Another study task we were given was to create a pendulum swing and a bouncing ball in Maya. This was actually a lot simpler than I was expecting. Very similar to how Photoshop work's timeline is given to you and with each movement you solidify the scene so they run smoothly just as you would in the photo shop timeline or even in an Animate cc.

It began with the first pendulum swing as I thought that probably the simplest thing so I could get the fundamental basics of how the animating aspect of Maya would work. Surprisingly I'm rather happy with this as it is just a pendulum swing and is a very basic thing but I am still happy with the outcome.

Pendulum swing one :

I then moved onto the bouncy balls one was meant to be a stiff non-movement ball bounce, a straight up and down movement was required. The second on the hand was a squishing stretch ball bounce, meaning we needed the ball to spin itself out in squishing the bottom and then bounce back up with the thinner sort of aspect then reform into a circle list of the top , this being one of the 12 principles of animation.

Here is the ball bounce :

And lastly was the more elaborate pendulum swing, I found this one was a little more difficult as I couldn't get the program to work almost at times but eventually I did it get to the point that I needed to be, and am happy to say that it worked rather well I think I feel it does look like movement and I am happy with the outcome.

The final pendulum swing :

Maya 1

This is the beginning of my journey with the software Maya, we would given a small introduction of onto how to use the software which was good and very informative. I struggled with my that even though we were given this guide. I'm very used to using 2-D animation as I favourite myself personally but I did enjoy the experience of actually learning how to use my were given the task of creating a truck to begin with and then to also create something of our own. At the beginning the trucks was rather hard to create and I learnt that Maya is a program that will easily crash so I made sure the second time round to save multiple times. I have to say though that I am rather proud of created as I wasn't expecting to actually be able to do it.

Here is the image of the truck:

And here is the bottle that I decided to create myself I have to say I'm extremely proud of this model as I really wasn't expecting it to be so smoothly done and I do feel it actually looks like a bottle surprisingly. Once creating the truck you get the fundamental basics of and the understanding of how to use Maya as a program, and it becomes a lot easier I even figured out how to make the bottle a little translucent so that it looked like plastic instead of a solid block colour.

Here is the bottle itself:

Here are some screenshots of the development of the truck and me actually using my itself of the program as I wanted to have some more documentation into the actual process of creating instead of just the rendered finish pictures :

Sunday, May 7, 2017

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 7.

Weeks seven

Initially I did plan to add penguins into the animation to give it some more of a natural environmental sort of looked at but I found that it was rather difficult to do and I'm not used to drink penguins is such a detailed look so I decided not to do that as it would have been very difficult for me to do but I plan may be to do something a lot more like the future and if you practice my ability to drawing more of a realistic sort of style they tend to favour a cartoony sort of look.


Here are some the components of the animation as it began as you see I have layered it so that it would work, and here are some of the basic layers to it one of the background without the natural geographic logo on it:


OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 6.

Weeks six

During this week I finished my second animation this one being the iceberg animation. This one I found was a little bit more difficult than I was expecting, as I had drawn a style that wasn't similar to my own I found a little challenging but it was a good challenge and I was eager to see it to be completed. Having such a different style to drawing was difficult to get my head round it first but as an animator this is something I will have to use to you and I am happy to begin now as it was a good starting place for me.

Here is the animation itself:

Here is a screenshot of the background with out the logo and the later animated water, I thought it would be interesting to see the animation before the added running water and the added animals. More or less to see a still of the background as there is a lot happening in the animation.

Here is a rough of the background so you can see how the image has actually developed. I wanted to keep the drawings as close as I could to the original basic sketches. 

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 5.

Week five

During this week I finished my animatics, prier to this week I had done one of the animatics but this week completed them all. I found that creating them was rather simple and it has given me the basis to begin working on my final animations.

They may not be the tidiest of things, but they where created to so that I could work out timings and to know where things should move to and how it will look.

I also began production on my first ident, only sketching out the backgrounds and doing some drawings of the separate components that ill need to begin the actual animation process, as I plan to use both photoshop and After effects to create these animations.

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 4.

Week four

During this week I decided to develop my story but a little further, the ones I done originally were very rough and needed polishing up, to add some colour to themselves able to see how they would look when it comes to actually creating the animations. I used colour palette that Helen and I created at the beginning of the module which I felt was a very of beneficial tool that helped the both of us creates a better understanding of each other's styles and work.
Helen and I decided to create pans and zooms when it came to our animations so that we could both have a similar look and animated feel to all of our animations. I'm pleased to say that I feel this is a good idea and excited to see our animations when they are actually finished.

Here are our stories my storyboards, with heavens to compare how both look similar:

Helens storyboards :

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 3.

Week three.

Unfortunately due to family circumstances I wasn't able to get much done during this week, but I was able to create an animatic's to further develop the process of creating the animations, here is said animatic:

I'm happy with how this animatic looks and plan to create another two similar to it to continue on with the development of our module. I also looked into some of National Geographic's websites and other people's identities to have reference to similar ideas and to have a natural look as to how usually their animations look. There is the references that I thought were applicable to the work that we were doing at the moment and that I thought were the inspiration for our project:

I plan next week to put double the effort into the work due to circumstances being how they were I was not able to complete what I should've been able to do this week but plan to carry on and strive to do more work next week.

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 2.

Week 2

This week we carried on generating ideas, unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the interim crit on the Tuesday as family matters had come up, but I discuss the feed back with Helen and am now up to date with what we should be doing.
We discussed age groups and the fact that National Geographic would be 16+, usually some form of scientific documentation as their form of advertisement. National Geographic is usually known for its television programme as it is a channel it also has a magazine and a kids segment. National Geographic mainly focuses on nature and other forms of like natural history or history in general is very an academic channel for learning. The logo itself even has a meaning behind it that being the yellow square being a frame, with the yellow meant to be representing the sun.
I think it's really interesting to go for something with such a meaning, I'm excited for this project and look forward to creating the idents.

Here are our initial rough storyboard ideas both Helen and I have put them together and had a look to see if they match up which she and I feel match up quite succinctly.

Helens storyboards:

OUAN406 - Weekly Journal - Week 1.

Week One.

This week we where given a new brief, this brief was a choice of things and want to work in a group with people. Personally I'm actually looking forward to doing this brief there were four options kinetic typography, respect from animals, the National autistic Society, and idents or ident-ity as the title of the project is called.
Personally idents is the  one that stood out for me, the idea of creating short little bursts of animation can appeal to me when I was younger I was fascinated with E4's idents how they were created and how they they were a competition that people could submit their work to which I thought was nice. Funny enough before was one of the options of the topics I can choose from. Others include National Geographic, Disney Jr, the Hallmark Channel. I'm stoned between E4 and National Geographic quite interested in how modern and simple the National Geographic rate their identity whereas the E4's quite crazy and in your face.
I mentioned before that this was a working in a group project you did have the option to work individually but I thought to be interesting to give myself the challenge of working with someone as I am used to working alone therefore my classmate Helen and I have decided to team up for this project and I'm excited to see what the outcome is.
We looked into generating some initial ideas and discuss which topic we wanted to do the most, and both came too the conclusion that we would do the topic of National Geographic, as we both like the simplicity of the design. We came up with the idea of creating a colour palette, so that we could have a base to the drawings, almost like a guide.

The colour pallet