Monday, January 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 5.

I continued with designing Anthony this week. I mentioned last week that my group favoured the blue drawing that I did not even give line art too, there for I decided to give him a go. Even If I was wary of the design.

 I started with a version with out line art and we all agreed that wasn't what we were looking for, as we wanted a sketchy look to our design, so I created a version with line art, refining him a little as I did. 

I flattened out his chin which made him a much more appealing character. I was a lot happier with him and the group agreed he is the best character so far.

I made a few colour versions and we all agreed that the third image had the best colour scheme. His hair and jumper complimented each other, and made him look like a complete character.

I then coloured his at home outfit. Chloe also suggested that he should be paler which I agree looks better as he is meant to be shattered and almost ill looking. 

For the turn around I wanted to really push myself as I felt that my turn arounds where not up to the standard that I could make. 

There for I followed a tutorial, and feel I learnt alot. 

I made a 16fps turn around at 0.2 seconds but found it a little fast there for I rendered out a slower version at 0.3 seconds. 

I do still feel its a little jumpy but I am happy with how it looks, and am really pleased that I watched the tutorial as it made it much easier and much faster to create a turn around. 

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