Monday, January 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 2.

Starting the character designs.

This week I began making the character designs, without much prevail. I have been wanting to better my self as a character designer, therefore I wanted to base my designs of shapes. I began drawing our protagonists face first as that could give a basis of how the design would look.

I hated all of them.Therefore I tried to make a full body version of the character (Who we have named Anthony). 

I based him off a combination of the original designs, but quickly realised he was not what we wanted. He seemed older than we wanted, hes design would make it difficult to animate and he just wasnt what we as group had hoped for. 

I also did a simple line art drawing of what he could look like, but quickly disregarded it as it isn't what we are looking for. Again similar to the last desing he was stylised yes, but not quite what we were looking for as he seamed to 'cute' almost.

 I created one design using a character from a popular show in the 90s (Gilmore Girls) as a base for how he might look.  But only regarded these as testers as to what he could look like in a definite 90s appearance. 

As our animation is based in the 90s I wanted to make sure that the style of character are heavily based on the times sense of fashion.

We can agree that it may not have been the best look, but it was popular during the time, there for my designs will feature this sort of appearance heavily.  Along side hair fashion is a key part of the style. Boys clothing featured a lot of baggy large clothing, t-shirts etc. 

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