Monday, January 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 4.

I continued with the shadow mans design this week and tried adding some affects to these variations on them. Using blur and layers with affects to give him a distorted look.

I liked the affect with the red and blue tint to each of them, but it would be difficult to animated therefore I doubt we would use these. But I do feel this was a good thing for me to experiment with, as it showed what he could look like with a distortment to him.

After much deliberation we all agreed that we liked one in particular. Which one of the earlier designs I made, I created a page for him and we all seam pretty happy with the design.

Even so I do still think he needs work. 

I also created a little concept piece, after talking with Bach our background designer, about how light and perspective can make all the difference. 

I used Carlas animation practice to create this, as she has been busy working away at the affects.

For the rest of the week I switched back to creating Anthony, as I felt as though I had been neglecting him a little.

I went back to basics and began redesigning him all over again.  But decided I did not like any of these designs.

I then created this page, the first four I lined as I like them, but I really disliked the final one therefore left him as a sketch, which my group did not agree with and said they liked him the best. (As in the blue boy)

Even so I did attempt some concept art using the first design as I felt he was the strongest of all three of the designs.

I made an attempt at creating some colour changes as well, using darker colours or a much more pinky toned colour option to represent the colour shift during the night scenes. This was merely an example and I plan to look into it more.

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