Monday, January 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 3.

This week we agreed I should switch over to designing the shadow man, as it would give Carla a change to practice animating some smoke affects.

I started by creating a series of initial sketches.

I put the designs to the group and they favoured designs 1-3 and 6. 

There for I began doing some refined sketches. 

 I attempted to add a smokey affect but they ended up looking as though they were on fire, which is obviously not what we are looking for, I decided to leave all the smoke affects to our professional, Carla.

I did another few sketches of what he could look like, but found these ones a little laking and not very scary.
After doing this my group suggested that I do some silhouetted versions.

After doing this we all agreed that these designs where better once they had been silhouetted. It gave an element of mystery to the designs, giving the audience a chance to leave what they think he looks like under the shadows up to their imagination.

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