Monday, January 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 6.

I started the week with creating Anthonys T- Pose and Final character page.

I also did a few rough concept ideas for him. 

I then worked on creating designs for Anthonys two friends. I did several roughs and sent them over to our group.





I was happy with the girls design but I did not like the boys design, and we all agreed he wasnt quite right, that was until the 5th design, which we all agreed was the best of them all. There for I took them forward and did some colour variations.

 After drawing them I sent a few colour variants to the group, we liked the idea of one of them being ginger but with the boy being ginger, and Anthony looking like a skinny, sleepy young boy, it was rather similar to Harry Potter, therefor we decided maybe a brunette or a blonde might be a better idea. Especially the one using the freckles.

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 5.

I continued with designing Anthony this week. I mentioned last week that my group favoured the blue drawing that I did not even give line art too, there for I decided to give him a go. Even If I was wary of the design.

 I started with a version with out line art and we all agreed that wasn't what we were looking for, as we wanted a sketchy look to our design, so I created a version with line art, refining him a little as I did. 

I flattened out his chin which made him a much more appealing character. I was a lot happier with him and the group agreed he is the best character so far.

I made a few colour versions and we all agreed that the third image had the best colour scheme. His hair and jumper complimented each other, and made him look like a complete character.

I then coloured his at home outfit. Chloe also suggested that he should be paler which I agree looks better as he is meant to be shattered and almost ill looking. 

For the turn around I wanted to really push myself as I felt that my turn arounds where not up to the standard that I could make. 

There for I followed a tutorial, and feel I learnt alot. 

I made a 16fps turn around at 0.2 seconds but found it a little fast there for I rendered out a slower version at 0.3 seconds. 

I do still feel its a little jumpy but I am happy with how it looks, and am really pleased that I watched the tutorial as it made it much easier and much faster to create a turn around. 

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 4.

I continued with the shadow mans design this week and tried adding some affects to these variations on them. Using blur and layers with affects to give him a distorted look.

I liked the affect with the red and blue tint to each of them, but it would be difficult to animated therefore I doubt we would use these. But I do feel this was a good thing for me to experiment with, as it showed what he could look like with a distortment to him.

After much deliberation we all agreed that we liked one in particular. Which one of the earlier designs I made, I created a page for him and we all seam pretty happy with the design.

Even so I do still think he needs work. 

I also created a little concept piece, after talking with Bach our background designer, about how light and perspective can make all the difference. 

I used Carlas animation practice to create this, as she has been busy working away at the affects.

For the rest of the week I switched back to creating Anthony, as I felt as though I had been neglecting him a little.

I went back to basics and began redesigning him all over again.  But decided I did not like any of these designs.

I then created this page, the first four I lined as I like them, but I really disliked the final one therefore left him as a sketch, which my group did not agree with and said they liked him the best. (As in the blue boy)

Even so I did attempt some concept art using the first design as I felt he was the strongest of all three of the designs.

I made an attempt at creating some colour changes as well, using darker colours or a much more pinky toned colour option to represent the colour shift during the night scenes. This was merely an example and I plan to look into it more.

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 3.

This week we agreed I should switch over to designing the shadow man, as it would give Carla a change to practice animating some smoke affects.

I started by creating a series of initial sketches.

I put the designs to the group and they favoured designs 1-3 and 6. 

There for I began doing some refined sketches. 

 I attempted to add a smokey affect but they ended up looking as though they were on fire, which is obviously not what we are looking for, I decided to leave all the smoke affects to our professional, Carla.

I did another few sketches of what he could look like, but found these ones a little laking and not very scary.
After doing this my group suggested that I do some silhouetted versions.

After doing this we all agreed that these designs where better once they had been silhouetted. It gave an element of mystery to the designs, giving the audience a chance to leave what they think he looks like under the shadows up to their imagination.

LAUAN603 - The big one, Week 2.

Starting the character designs.

This week I began making the character designs, without much prevail. I have been wanting to better my self as a character designer, therefore I wanted to base my designs of shapes. I began drawing our protagonists face first as that could give a basis of how the design would look.

I hated all of them.Therefore I tried to make a full body version of the character (Who we have named Anthony). 

I based him off a combination of the original designs, but quickly realised he was not what we wanted. He seemed older than we wanted, hes design would make it difficult to animate and he just wasnt what we as group had hoped for. 

I also did a simple line art drawing of what he could look like, but quickly disregarded it as it isn't what we are looking for. Again similar to the last desing he was stylised yes, but not quite what we were looking for as he seamed to 'cute' almost.

 I created one design using a character from a popular show in the 90s (Gilmore Girls) as a base for how he might look.  But only regarded these as testers as to what he could look like in a definite 90s appearance. 

As our animation is based in the 90s I wanted to make sure that the style of character are heavily based on the times sense of fashion.

We can agree that it may not have been the best look, but it was popular during the time, there for my designs will feature this sort of appearance heavily.  Along side hair fashion is a key part of the style. Boys clothing featured a lot of baggy large clothing, t-shirts etc.