Monday, January 30, 2017

Set, Series, Sequence.

I want to document more of the Set series sequence project as I feel I didn't go into a lot of detail with what I did.  To begin I made a list of ideas in my sketch book that related to the word I had been given, which was crystal, I thought long and hard about what things could and couldn't be related, and even did some little doodles that I thought could help inspire me later on. Having such a broad topic it was difficult to narrow down which things I should look into. So taking some of these ideas I created 24 drawings relating to crystals.
Here are some of the 24 drawings.

From there I decided to choose the image of the wizard to elaborate onto. I liked his design and wanted to see how I could take it further. So I did 12 images caring on from there, here are some of the twelve.

I feel I could have done better if I'm honest with these.

From there we where given the task of creating a story board. I had a lot of trouble with this. I did sevril versions but finally settled with one after many, MANY attempts. Here is the story board.

Here are the final boards, I feel I could have done better with this task, but I plan to work harder in my next brief.

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