Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 7 - Animation.

Week seven

We began the week with animation skills, We were given the brief animate it, which require us to create a 10 to 15 seconds long animation . We where given a selection of topics to do with the animation, I chose lateness as mine. I began thinking of storyboard ideas on the day , and did a few initial sketches of some ideas, rough ones that didn't really have much of a storyline to them. After discussing with my tutors and he looked over my work, and he agreed that one of the storyboards seemed to have more of a plot and like the idea. So taking on board I decided to go further with it and created a refined storyboard. From there I've created an animatic which is a form of putting the storyboard into a video format to see if it will work as an animation, and to get the right timing. Luckily it did and I have begun creating the animation now. 

The last two images here are the storyboards I decided to go with.

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