Wednesday, November 30, 2016

10-15 seconds - 1

Ten to 15 second Animation

I've chosen the topic of lateness to create my animation, so far this animation has been going rather well, I've created a very basic storyboard on paper and then digitally I've made some miner adjustments and refined the drawing a little.

Comparing the two you can definitely see the difference in the boards.

As you can see the storyboards greatly improved after creating them digitally. Next I will be creating an animatic to go along with the storyboards. I hope that the animatic will show that the storyboard will last for around 12 seconds.

The basic idea behind the story is that it is Late in the morning, and this young man is up late working, as time goes by he gets sleepier and sleepier, until he is abruptly woken up by his 6 am alarm.

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