Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 8 - MAF

Week eight

This has been quite an interesting week, at the beginning of the year we were told about a thing called the Manchester animation Festival (MAF for short), during this week we went to it. We where there for three days as the festival lasted three days and found the experience very enjoyable, we got to see a few early previewed films for example the red turtle and Ethel and Ernest. And were also shown the screening of Clash of the Titans the classic animated film that has inspired millions. My favourite part of the whole festival was Ethel and Ernest I really enjoyed watching the making of it and I enjoyed watching the film itself and cried like a baby all the way through. The animation was nicely done, and the character designs where amazing. I also enjoyed watching some of the student made films, as each film showed a lot of dedication had gone into making them. One of my favourite short films even if it was in a student film was called Mr Medila, I found it to be extremely funny well made enjoyable. The whole audience was in hysterics while watching it and frankly I completely agree with them it was very funny. 

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