Monday, November 21, 2016

Set Series Sequence.

Set Series Sequence.

I feel that it is necessary me to elaborate a little more on the set series sequence project.  I found this project to be rather difficult. Drawing the 24 images I didn't find to hard, but creating the 12 from that 24, became a bit of a challenge. I found that putting the wizard into different interesting scenarios was quite the challenge after a bit. A wizard can be over done, I know, but I felt I wanted to stay with more of a classical theme, as magic goes hand in hand with crystals a lot of the time. 

After this came the making of the storyboards, and my word did I find that hard to do. Usual I enjoy making a storyboard, but this one I did not. I began by making a basic fantasy shop design, and went with that. My biggest mistake with this brief was not thinking my ideas through. After I'd created and finished the board, I looked it over, and frankly it didn't have much plot, and no ending to it, this made me ask for a second opinion, and a third and then a forth, I think you get the picture. After asking my classmates and some of my tutors, I came to the rounding conclusion, that It need to be changed. This led me to make an entirely new board, this one had plot yes, but was short, and frankly lacked a little something. Now this got me thinking, why not incorporate both boards into one. So that's what I've done, and I'm actually relatively happy with it, I mean its not the best thing in the world but its much better than it was. It had a larger plot, granted its not the best, but it had more than before, and I found that people seamed to understand the concept of the idea more.

I think I've learnt a lot from this brief, mainly think things through before diving in blind.

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