Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 5 - Crystals and such

Week five
During this week, we were given a new task. We were asked to randomly select a piece of paper, each piece of paper having an individual word on it, I was given the word crystal. Now I wasn't sure at first where to go with this, the brief asked us to do 24 drawings that represent this word then create 12 drawings from one of the images. I struggled a little to do the 24 drawings as there was a lot to do and frankly I ran out of ideas at some points but did power through. I also realised that crystal has a lot of meaning, it could be associated with magic, it can be associated with healing things, or Spiritual thing. From the 24 drawings I selected the wizard it may be predictable but I like the classics, from there I created 12 images each of the wizard and a crystal in different scenarios and poses. We worked on this more or less the entire week, and I did really enjoy it, the part that I struggled most with was when we had to create the storyboard. Whilst making the first storyboard, I realised that I didn't really know where I was going with it. This inevitably gave the story no real plot. Or that it had a plot but it didn't really know where it was going was is almost as if it was the beginning of a story not a whole story so taking this on board I decided to remake my storyboard and made another page where the wizards creates magic with the crystal. But then I realise that maybe I could incorporate both together via the first storyboard in the second storyboard and make a story from them that actually made sense. Now that I've created this storyboard I feel that it does make a lot more sense than the others and actually quite happy with it.

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