Sunday, April 29, 2018

Animation 4: Applied Animation - Week 11 - Documentary

This week I we presented our work so far to the class.

I did a little research into streets during the times and found that there where a lot more smaller shops that where usually local little places during the 40s. And during the 60's they were a lot larger chain stores, such as M&S and Woolworths.
North London greengrocers shop, probably late 1940s or possibly early 1950s

Laundry, barbershop and stores, Washington, D.C. between 1941 and 1942

Related image

Image result for shops in the 1960s

I also did some changes to the dresses, giving the paper cut out doll look a slight change again. 

 I then finished the animatic, ready for us to start animating.

It is only 55 seconds long, but I plan to animate the girls at the beginning in order to extend the timing of the film. We also noticed that the paper cut outs do not fit the mannequins there for I will have to change them again.

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