Sunday, April 8, 2018

Animation 4: Applied Animation - Week 9 - Documentary

Week 4 of Documentary work

I began this week by making some initial sketches of dress designs for the animation, I then sent them to our group chat to make sure everyone was happy with the initial designs.




I then began to create the actual dresses.



I looked at my last sketch and I decided it wasn't very fitting with the style of the era, the dresses length was to long, and not in keeping with the trend of the era. 

So I made another 4 designs and put them in our chat so that everyone could choose which of them they liked the most. Which I got a response of  liking two of the dresses, which where the first and the third one in this ordering.

So I made both.

I made sure that each of them had the look of the paper dolls we had discussed earlier.

I'm more or less happy with the designs, but I may change some of the colours, to insure that they are in keeping with each decades choices of colours.

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