Sunday, April 8, 2018

Animation 4: Applied Animation - Week 7 - Documentary

Week 2 of Documentary work

We made a presentation to the class this week about what our plan was for the documentary, we put our two idea to the class which they voted for the transitioning to the decades.

e then began doing more research work, Chloe and I took out some library books out and made an official decision on what eras we wanted to cover, we thought doing the transition from the 40's-50's up to the 60's. These three decades have a huge difference in styles and would be really interesting to cover. 

Which I then began making some mood boards for :

I also made a mind map to put our general ideas down.

 I illustrated some concept art for the sort of style we wanted. We discussed a textured look, which I thought we could use a rather water coloured look as it gives a rather older look to match the eras that we are looking into. 

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