Sunday, March 12, 2017

Process and Production Week 9 - Rounding up.

This week I found to be very stressful. I have been working on my animation pretty consistently but had a lot of trouble with the part of the animation where Mr Chef has to fall over. That took a lot longer to animate than I had been expecting. Because of this I've been working none stop so that I can have the animation finished for Wednesday, as the deadline is on Thursday next week. I finished all of the backgrounds I needed, and now just need to colour in the animation.

I had to take reference from real life for the part of the animation where the waiter picks up the bottle of wine, and have used images of my hand picking up a bottle so that I can see where the fingers would go when picking up a bottle.

I found this to be extremely helpful, next time I animate I will make sure to do real reference as having this to compare what I'm drawing with what is true to life to be extremely helpful.

I also finished off the other backgrounds as I mentioned before, I'm happy with how they turned out as I feel that I've done the change of view well, and I like the amount of detail I have put into the work.

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