This months (February's) loopdeloop topic was 'Pig'.
I hadn't animated in a while, and was honestly a little nerves, so to counteract my nerves I thought I would try learning something new.
I had animated in after effects before, poorly and I couldn't really remember how to do it, but I wanted to at least try. I had also never really created anything using illustrator before there for I thought Id challenge myself and create my animation using these software's.
I began by drawing the pig.
This was my first attempt, it was okie, but I didn't really like the ears. I had also layered it all wrong.
I then tried another version, but I didn't like the legs all to much, they looked a little janky and out of place.
My final version had rounded feet that made the pig look a lot cuter.
I also made a baby pig, using the same shapes but changed the colour and some of the attributes.
The second animation looked as if the pig was dancing, so I thought Id seek some advise and found some videos on youtube that helped a lot.
I created a version of the pigs walking one behind the other using premier pro, and created a background in illustrator in keeping with the characters.
This was then submitted to loopdeloop.
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