Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Animation 4: Applied Animation - Week 14 - Documentary

I  began animating for the last scene originally I was planning on using a scene I had already animated but I realised it was backwards to the direction we needed. I also didnt really like it.

So i began by doing something different, making the girls stay in one place but moving still.

I sent this to our chat to make sure the team liked it, and I got a rather positive response. I then went on to line the art.

And then went on to colour them.

I did create an illustration on how i wanted the characters to look here, but due to poor time management i haven't had the time to colour them.

I did end up tweaking the designs in the animation just so that it worked a little better.

I also lined some of the animation chloe had done.

I finished this week by composting the animation fully, so that we are ready to hand in. Unfortunately i am unsure to whether or not the animation will be finished, but i am happy to continue working on it once we have handed in.

Here are all the shots i edited. They are missing text but hopefully they will be added before hand it.

We also didnt get our music in time, there for i found some filler music in the mean time that will do before we get our music.


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