Thursday, December 1, 2016

Evaluation of Animate it.

To begin this evaluation, I’d like to talk about my ability to organise my time, or lack of it. For this project I feel I didn’t do a very good job of managing how much time I had to create this animation, I feel that I have rushed it more than I would have liked too. I would have liked to add sound and to add colour to the final animation, but I ran out of time and now the animation is in black, white and grey, without sound. I found the process of making the animation to be very enjoyable, I particularly enjoyed using the computers to create the animation, especially using the cintiq’s, as I’d never used one properly before, and found using them to be much easier than I was expecting. I found that at first I was stuck between which of the topics to choose, but I thought lateness would be a good topic, as I have a lot of experience in that department.  I made the decision that I didn’t want the typical being late for school, an appointment or work etc.. So I went with the idea of it being late in the morning.
I’m relatively happy with the animation, I feel that the animated yawn I’ve created is the best part as I feel it has a lot of movement and humour. I wanted the yawn to be the most prominent part of the animation but didn’t want it to be overly theatrical, as I wanted it to be a much more natural movement keeping the emphasis while still maintaining the yawns prominence with in the animation, and feel that is what I have achieved. I felt that it would really capture the point of how tired the character was. I also feel I have paid attention to detail, as I have hidden some iconic posters into the background of the animation, and am happy with the rooms. I am also relatively happy with the way I have shown the development of time, I feel I’ve incorporated the moments where the time is needed to be seen, but I’m not happy with the way I executed it, I feel I could have done better In the animating process.

Looking back I would have maybe done more research into how to properly animate the quick changes needed to show the time on the clock changing. I would also have liked to learn more about how to properly add colour to the animation, as I am not 100% sure how to do it yet. I would have liked to add sound to really make the animation pop a little more, for example having the sound of the character actually yawning, or the sounds of the clicks of the mouse and typing on to the keyboard.  On reflection I would also have liked to be more detailed and prepared in my storyboard work, before committing myself to the animation process, and will endeavour to do this in future preparation.

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