Monday, March 11, 2019

Shot 7

Animating a camera.

This I struggled with a little, id say I am pretty fair at animating people, not as good as I would like, but I can draw a thing that at least looks like a person, but an object is not something I have every really animated before there for, I was honestly a little nervous for it which definitely showed.

It started by looking at the camera Bach drew for out backgrounds.

His background has quite a small compact camera, with a rounded end. 

This video I made to block out the timing of the shot.

I also used the mechanical sharpener as reference for how a hand would look holding an object of a similar size to the camera.

I also filmed some movement reference using the same sharpener, so that I could properly time and have an accurate movement.

This is what id done for my first rough, I sent it to the group which they green lit for me to jump into the line art. So I went right to It. 

This was my first version of the lineart, but I though that the strap I had added had way to much of a swing to it, with made the shot look to busy, therefor I redid the swing on the shot as I wanted it to look natural. 

I took out a few frames and cleaned it up abit, and this was the result. I showed it to the class and and most agreed that this shot was better. 

Even so, I was not happy. The shot was very robotic, the angle was odd, and I know I could do better. 

Therefor I asked the group if it was alright if I redid the shot as I am ahead of schedule anyway. They agreed and I hopped to it. 

This was the outcome, to get a much more accurate version of what the camera should look like I watched a video of a man looking at a similar sort of camera. I also added the click of a button to open the tape part, as after watching the reference and talking to peers they pointed out that it is opened mechanically with the push of a button. All together this shot had a much more accurate representation of what a camera should look like. 

This gave a much more detailed version of what the camera should look like so I could draw a much better version that I was happier with.

Here was the final outcome, I was able to line and colour and animate it in one day due to the amazing program TV paint, which is amazing! Even If I did redo the scene this whole thing only took me two days to do, including redoing the scene, therefor there was not loos of time.

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