Monday, March 11, 2019

Shot 7

Animating a camera.

This I struggled with a little, id say I am pretty fair at animating people, not as good as I would like, but I can draw a thing that at least looks like a person, but an object is not something I have every really animated before there for, I was honestly a little nervous for it which definitely showed.

It started by looking at the camera Bach drew for out backgrounds.

His background has quite a small compact camera, with a rounded end. 

This video I made to block out the timing of the shot.

I also used the mechanical sharpener as reference for how a hand would look holding an object of a similar size to the camera.

I also filmed some movement reference using the same sharpener, so that I could properly time and have an accurate movement.

This is what id done for my first rough, I sent it to the group which they green lit for me to jump into the line art. So I went right to It. 

This was my first version of the lineart, but I though that the strap I had added had way to much of a swing to it, with made the shot look to busy, therefor I redid the swing on the shot as I wanted it to look natural. 

I took out a few frames and cleaned it up abit, and this was the result. I showed it to the class and and most agreed that this shot was better. 

Even so, I was not happy. The shot was very robotic, the angle was odd, and I know I could do better. 

Therefor I asked the group if it was alright if I redid the shot as I am ahead of schedule anyway. They agreed and I hopped to it. 

This was the outcome, to get a much more accurate version of what the camera should look like I watched a video of a man looking at a similar sort of camera. I also added the click of a button to open the tape part, as after watching the reference and talking to peers they pointed out that it is opened mechanically with the push of a button. All together this shot had a much more accurate representation of what a camera should look like. 

This gave a much more detailed version of what the camera should look like so I could draw a much better version that I was happier with.

Here was the final outcome, I was able to line and colour and animate it in one day due to the amazing program TV paint, which is amazing! Even If I did redo the scene this whole thing only took me two days to do, including redoing the scene, therefor there was not loos of time.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The next scene Shot 2.

Im really amazed by TV paint,  it is an amazing program.

I started doing the roughs for shot 2.

This was my first attempt. It is a 4.5 second clip and I tried to cram to much animation into this one scene. 

This was my second try but he seams as though he's sliding down the bed.

This was my final rough, which I cleaned up a little, so that it would be easier to animate over. 

Here is the finished lineart, we are working in twos but I switched to ones when it came to the head drop just to give it the quicker drop. 

When it came to the colouring, I can say I am thoroughly amazed by this program, my colouring time was cut down tenfolds.

Liam suggested I colour in a  much quicker way as I was sat colouring in each frame with the pen a fool as tv paint is far superior. 

He showed me quickly a much better way, which I then googled and found a youtube video that showed me a much...much better way of colouring in.

I am so impressed with Tv paint.

Here is the coloured version, which I finished more or less the same day that I finished the lineart, which is amazing!

Obviously he doesn't quite match the colouring of the background so I did some tests of colours we could use as an overlay, only to find that the version of tv paint we have doesn't have a sort of clipping mask tool that I can make a multiply layer with, therefor I attempted it in tv paint.

This I think worked but he looked even more sickly than usual.

After a conversation with another Liam, he showed me a way of tinting in after affects and of adding a shadow on the bed.

And finally a purple version of Anthony.

I put them to the group and they suggested that we leave the tinting till the end of the animation therefor I will move on to the next scene.

Animating in TV paint.

I am very used to animating in Photoshop, but Tv Paint is or was, a completely unknown program to me. But we as a group agreed to animate in TV paint as it is industry standard and it will help build our CVs which is something I would really appreciate.

Therefor this week I began animating using the program.

My first scene is a very simple scene of an animated steamy mug of coffee.

This was my  first attempt I felt it was very quick and should definitely be slowed down.

This was my second attempt but it has the impression of somebody walking past which is not what we want at all.

After putting it to the group they suggested using a line as a base for my animation, but I felt it was a bit intense.
Here was my forth attempt but I wasn't happy with this one either as it was very faint and a bit to sporadic.

And here Is the final animation, I added a blur to the layer, as TV has a function where you can apply a blur to every frame of your animation and found that this worked the best.

I feel from just this 3 second scene I have learnt a lot about tv paint, and am excited to use it for future scenes.

I am pleased I had a rather basic scene to start off with as it slowly introduced me back into animating. It gave me time to readjust my self back into the animation world.

Loop De Loop.

My loop de loop is up on the website.