Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 9.

This week I began working on other animations as I could do the work at home, I also finished the colouring of the other part of animation. I've been using photoshop, and keeping my team up to date with the work I've been doing.


The line work for the run cycle had to be edited by Leah as the legs moved incorrectly at a certain point, but the majority of the line work was done by me, in the coloured version you can see where she fixed the legs. 
I did also add slippers instead of shoes to this shot. 
Another scene that Leah has already coloured:

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 8.

This week I continued with my animating. Adding colour to the flip. I also discussed with my team about how we would be able to keep up with work over Christmas. As I have photoshop at home I came up with the solution of switching from TV paint to photoshop so that I could continue to work at home during the holidays.

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 7.

Week 7.

This week we spent at Maf so I couldn't really get any work done. But I did manage to do more work on my final turn around and to continue with the animation.

Here's a clip of the work we've been doing  :