Sunday, November 19, 2017


This week we went on a trip to Manchester Animation Festival.

Things I enjoyed the most where:

The big bad fox and other tales,

Fellow ship award: Josh Weinstein,

BlueZoo masterclass,

Loving Vincent,

The world of Ivor wood.

I feel that I enjoyed Maf more the second time around as I am now more knowledgeable on animation and understand the lingo a lot more.

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 6.

This week we began the animation process. I began this week by choosing a scene to animate, and found that my animation style is very different compared with our other animator. So we came to a compromise, by having Christopher do the roughs and then I will be doing the final line work.
My animation

Christopher's Animation

The rest of the week we spent continuing our animation process, and discussing how it would work.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 5.

Week 5.

This week I continued my work on the character design.

Some Extras :
 Character Page for prez :
Beginning of turnaround : 
 Finished Turnaround :

Unedited :
Final :

I've also begun the turn arounds for other character.

We also discussed the animatic, as we had some disagreements on the finish idea, but we all came to  a compromise, and we all seem to be satisfied with the finished outcome.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Study Task 3 - Strike a Pose!

MOOM - Practicing with Maya. 

Awe - 
 Amusement - 
 Exhaustion - 
 Shame -
 Pride -