Sunday, October 29, 2017

Storytelling Though Cinematography.


Cinematography - Camera movements and lighting to establish a shot.

 Angled shot + Dark lighting.  - Emphasis on eerie and atmospheric mood.

 Disney's Fantasia -1940
Howls moving Castle - 2004
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Fantasia 1940
Close ups. 

 The Lion King -1994
Robin Hood - 1973
Long Shot

 Pocahontas - 1995
The lion king - 1994

LAUAN503 - Advantages of 2D animation.

Advantages of 2D animation

2D animation has it disadvantages and advantages, and I'm here to shine down as much praise as I can onto this beautiful craft. 

One major advantage to 2D animation is how much cheaper it is to create when compared with 3D animation. 

Another is how much less of a complex thing it is to create, there is no overly complicated program that you need to learn, all you need is paper a pencil and maybe an eraser. 

The ability to manipulate you're character can be easier, having to only draw the character in the overly exaggerated pose, not having to find the right tool to be able to stretch the character out. 

LAUAN503 - Limitations of 2D animation.

Limitations Of 2D Animation

I personally love 2D animation, so having to admit its 'faults' per say isn't something I'm overly keen on but here we go. 

Its no surprise that 2D animation takes an awfully long time to create. It is much more time consuming than compared with something like 3D animation.

Another down side is the ability to edit, especially when working on paper, for example if there is a change in the scrip and an actor has to re-do the line, the phonetics will change on the character. Causing a either a whole re-do of the scene, or have to do some cleaver editing tricks. 

Another disadvantage, is being able to create an almost exact replica of really life. With 3D animation, you can make photo realistic renders, with 2D animation there is the only ability of the creator. 

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 4.

This week I worked on T-Poses for the characters.

The characters each have the an angle a side a view and a frontal T-pose. 

I've also created a page to show the height difference between each characters.
I've also created another page for the president, in which he is wearing his pyjamas, as its an important outfit change. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 3.

Week 3.

We discussed Idea's on the story again. We met up to discuss the storyboards again. 

I began work on my character design sheets. 

I discussed with my group if we where happy with the design choices and I had a very positive response.

Colours represent the characters. 

Mr President is mostly grey - representing his depression. 

Gardener - Bright, not completely grey yet, still happy. 

Aide - Grey, very serious. 

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 2.

Week 2. 

This week we presented our ideas in front of our peers. Christopher's idea was chosen . 

We spent the lesson discussing ideas, and assigning roles for our group. 

We went over storyboards and refined the story.

Leah and Iris : Background Design. 

Christopher : Director/Storyboard artist.  

Me: Character Design.

I spent the rest of the week researching and creating ideas. 

A video on character design.

Mood boards/Reference.

I sent these to my group and we discussed the best ones to take forwards.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Animation 3: Character & Narrative - Week 1.

Week 1- 

Teams have been assigned.  I'm in a team with Christopher, Leah and Iris. We have four people meaning more ideas.

Assignment given - Telling tales. Dice given to us to decided topic of our story ideas.

My roll.
Coming up with ideas.

Initial thoughts where Car crash, but I thought was to boring.

Ideas pages:

My Chosen Idea - 

Character Designs.